ASPIRA Leadership & College Preparatory Academy is an Elementary and Middle School in Leisure City, Florida (right next door to Homestead). On Monday, May 15th, Blue and I packed up the car and headed north on the Florida Turnpike. We were greeted with enthusiasm beyond our wildest imaginations. Each classroom had decorated with DLIMH cut-out letters spelling “Dinosaurs Living in My Hair” which strung from the ceiling. Each hanging letter was lovingly colored and represented who this community was – kind, thoughtful, giving, and incredible. These ASPIRA photos clearly show the magic that lives inside each of them. I will never forget my time with them. I returned a few weeks later to deliver some DLIMH books and spent more time with the second graders. Each student wanted to show me the dinosaurs they had colored since my first visit. One child at a time . . . but sometimes . . . the reverse happens. They make a difference in my life.